[wplug-internet] Spam filters

Vance Kochenderfer vance at happylemur.com
Tue Oct 11 00:05:35 EDT 2016

So it's been almost a year and a half since the last time this came up
on the list, though Pat and I have had some discussions about it.
Looking through the logs, there is definitely spam that gets through the
greylisting setup that would have been stopped by a realtime blackhole
list (RBL).

It appears that the zen.spamhaus.org list is actually more effective
than the other two we were looking at (SORBS and Spamcop), and I
certainly trust Spamhaus more than the others to avoid false positives.

I have now enabled the Spamhaus zen list in reject mode.  Hopefully this
will reduce some of the spam that makes it to the various @wplug.org
aliases and that the mailing list moderators have to deal with.

Please speak up if you notice (especially) any false positives or if
there's an impact on the spam level you have to deal with.  Thanks!

Vance Kochenderfer        |  "Get me out of these ropes and into a
vance at happylemur.com      |   good belt of Scotch"    -Nick Danger

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