[wplug-board] Board meeting absence

Joe Prostko joe.prostko at gmail.com
Sun Jun 22 18:14:37 EDT 2014

On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 5:53 PM, Justin Smith <justin at adminix.net> wrote:
> Due to a memory lapse on my part, I won't be able to attend the board
> meeting on Tuesday. My family is celebrating Father's Day a bit late this
> year because my sister, who lives out of the area, couldn't make it home
> until - you guessed it - Tuesday. I'll let you all handle planning for the
> GUM in July and the other business.

Hey, no problem!

> I suggest that we focus on Git. I'm pretty sure that everyone who attends
> WPLUG knows what a revision control system is, but they might not know how
> to use one to its full potential, and Git has a lot of exposure.

As much as I personally dislike Git, yes, I think going this direction
is a good idea.  Pretty much everybody has heard of Git, but the same
doesn't apply to the other DVCS's.  I think at some point we could do
a talk covering the centralized and distributed version control
systems though, and good use cases for both, as well as the most
appealing options that exist.

> We ought to consider having a "UNIX family reunion" like I talked about
> previously. Think about all the paths UNIX has taken: Linux, BSD, Solaris,
> and that's not even counting proprietary UNIX. I think it would be fun to
> mix it up with our distant relatives in UNIX-dom.

Yeah, that could be a cool idea.  I'll probably have to ask you to
expound on that a bit though as to what all you have in mind.

> I support moving the WPLUG.org VPS to the $10/month Linode plan. What Vance
> said about being able to simply "yum install" or "apt-get install" software
> should be given consideration. Yes, we could migrate to CentOS 7, but we
> might have to start compiling software we use in the not too distant future,
> and that's bothersome. Debian and Ubuntu have larger repositories and allow
> you to easily pull more recent versions. OpenSUSE does, too, but Linode
> doesn't offer it, and I think I'm the only one who actually likes it. Ha!

I agree as well about going to the 10 dollar plan, but we'll discuss
it more at the meeting.

As an FYI, CentOS 7 ships with Apache 2.4.6, PHP 5.4.16, and MariaDB
5.5.35 in its repositories.  I know this since I installed a nightly
on a VM and played around with it a bit.  :)  As for OpenSUSE, I
probably wouldn't mind it.  I guess you could get the Linode people to
deploy it if you want, or you could make a custom image to deploy.
You probably couldn't go wrong with Ubuntu Server either, although I
admit I don't have much experience with it.

- joe

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