[wplug] More postfix fixes

Michael Procario procario at ix.netcom.com
Tue Sep 4 23:27:46 EDT 2001

On Tue, Sep 04, 2001 at 11:00:06PM -0400, Matthew & Marietta Wright wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I missed how you had accomplished the addressing of postfix.  I have tried 
> this and always ended up with it being dumped by the wplug server for one 
> reason or another.  Could you let me know what exactly you had changed in 
> the scripts (if you can remember because I know how it can get after a week 
> or so of trying different things) to get it to work correctly.
> Another part of my problem is that I have another PC on the network that 
> would use me as their server but they use a different ISP as their email 
> gatherer.  I can get fetchmail to get it without a hitch, I can get 
> procmail to filter it fine, I just need postfix to change my outgoing email 
> to one ISP and the other PC's outgoing email to another ISP.  If you can 
> remember it would be great!
> Thanks.


There are archives of messages at wplug.org, but let me give it a
try. I am using Mandrake 8.0, so file locations are based on that

The relayhost command tells postfix to use a smtp external server for
external mail. In /etc/postfix/main.cf put in the lines

relayhost = your.isp.smtp.server

Look out for leading spaces. They caused me a massive amount of
trouble.  The file /etc/postfix/sender_canonical should look like this

localname name at yourisp.com

All mail sent by localname will have it replaced with
name at yourisp.com. Without this the mail appears to come from
localname at localhost.localdomain where localhost and localdomain are
literal unless you have a static ip and hostname or you configure your
hostname after you connect. Changing your hostname based o dynamic ip
can cause problems with your Xauthority file. I did not want to do that.

After creating sender_canonical you need to run

postmap sender_canonical 

It will make a sender_canonical.db file. After all of your changes are
made you need to run

postfix reload

The FAQ's at www.postfix.org were some help. The Redhat Postfix FAQ
which is linked from www.postfix.org is also helpful.Look in
/var/log/mail for error messages. When I had the leading space in by
mistake the log file clearly showed that the address remapping had not

I am not sure what to do about the fact that you have two machines. Do
you want one machine to realy for the other?  I have not gotten that far yet. 
Mike Procario                     "Another casulty of applied metaphysics"

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