[wplug] ESD does not work for normal users

Brandon Guy beg14+ at pitt.edu
Wed Apr 4 01:09:28 EDT 2001

You are absolutely right, it does use unix sockets by default.
And the permissions on /dev/dsp are A-ok(I can use xmms as a normal user with
the OSS plugin)
My only problem is that esd only works for root
I can run esd as both root and normal users
but I can use esd only as root

                                           run by:    root    normal user
used by:    root                                    O               O
                 normal user                        X               X

Based on this, it must be due to some permision spiel.
esd starts A-ok for both root and herring, it plays its annoying little beeps
and produces no error messages for both users.

But no matter who starts esd, normal users cannont use it.

Here is my dsp line if you are interested
crw-rw-rw-   1 root     audio     14,   3 Feb  4 22:16 dsp

All my users(in this case only root and herring) are in the group audio

drwxrwxrwt  14 root     root        12288 Apr  4 01:03 /tmp/
esd puts crap in /tmp/.esd
(specifically it opens the unix socket there ... it is called socket ...
imagine that)
.esd(the directory in /tmp) is created by esd at runtime and the permissions
are similar to /tmp
drwxrwxrwt   2 herring  users        4096 Apr  4 01:07 /tmp/.esd/
I ran esd as herring to produce this line
when run as root you can just replace herring & users by root in both cases,
but that shouldnt matter.

any ideas?
do you see anything wrong?
am I an idiot?

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