[wplug-board] Presentation status

Justin Smith justin at adminix.net
Wed Apr 16 09:56:34 EDT 2014


We should consider that classes at Pittsburgh Filmmakers will be coming
to an end in the near future. If we bumped Roland back into July - the
next GUM month - then classes would be out, and I think turnout would be
considerably lower as a result. 

I can see why Vance would say that Git would appeal more to "our
people." He's right - the developers and system administrators we've
traditionally catered to might not find Blender as relevant. Consider,
however, that we've done virtually nothing to appeal to the multimedia
professionals who use (or may be open to using) open source software.
This is an opportunity for us to bring additional professionals into the
fold. We're not deviating from our original plan to focus on business

If open source catches on at Pittsburgh Filmmakers, it could be
incorporated into the curriculum. If that happens...well, I'm just
saying, it would be great to partner with an educational institution.
WPLUG has a precedent for that sort of thing :) 

We've been looking for a way to "get the word out," and to me, this is
it. We can appeal to far more people than we ordinarily could, and
there's the _potential_ for a working relationship with Filmmakers if
things go unexpectedly well. 

Of course, for all I know, Roland can't even come during May. Since
people seem to be nudging me to take the lead on this, I'll send him
some potential dates. 


"Intelligence is the ability to avoid doing work, yet getting the work
-Linus Torvalds 

On 2014-04-16 9:25 am, Vance Kochenderfer wrote: 

> On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 08:00:55PM -0400, Justin Smith wrote:
>> Silly me, I just realized that meeting at 5:00 would be virtually impossible for any working professional to attend. Assume that when I'm talking about 5:00, I'm talking about the evening in general.
> 6:00 is probably a more reasonable target. Since we're offering
> food, I don't think we need to go later than that. This may also
> help attract some of the Filmmakers people who might not stick
> around if it's later.
> Saturday's also fine. I'd leave it to Justin to decide whether a
> weeknight or Saturday is likely to attract a bigger crowd.
> On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 12:04:19PM -0400, Pat Barron wrote:
> } I can present on Git (and understand it well enough to do so), but I
> } think a presentation on Blender would be more interesting to more
> } people.
> I'm certainly on board with the Blender presentation, but I
> disagree - I think Git would be a subject likely to appeal to more
> of our people. It would be great for you or someone else
> knowledgeable to speak about it.
> Vance Kochenderfer | "Get me out of these ropes and into a
> vkochend at nyx.net | good belt of Scotch" -Nick Danger
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