[wplug-board] IRC problem

Mark Dalrymple wplug at badgertronics.com
Wed Nov 24 15:25:32 EST 2004

> $person has asked the board to consider allowing him to use the next 
> meeting as a forum to tell his side of the story

/me considers
it's a no-win for everyone.  Either $person loses face in public
(which geeks in general don't want to happen) and turns the meeting
into a complete and total downer, or folks feel sorry for him and say
"let him stay" in which case we're stuck with him.  $person makes a
half-decent first impression.  It's just the continuing behavio[u]r
that's a problem.

If the latter happens, then the "good cool guys" (which can be accused
of being 'the clique') might not stick around in a potentially
hostile, and decidedly unpleasant environment.  I know I'd much rather
hang out with Bill, Billings, BethLynn, and all the other non-B people
than with $person.  BethLynn's done an insane amount of work for this
group, I'd hate to see that work torn down by someone who is
fundamentally a a non-contributor. (and can be considered an
anti-contributor in some cases)

So I think "no, not gonna do it".  Remind him that there are other
opportunities for geekdom, such as the acronym-computer-club in the
area, and there's always that yacht club and golf country club he's
always going on about.

It is kinda sad if WPLUG is one's sole source of self-esteem.
(just don't tell HuggyBot)


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