[wplug] CentOS Linux ending, CentOS Stream to replace it

jared jennings jjennings at fastmail.fm
Thu Dec 10 12:45:55 EST 2020

I read comments about it on Slashdot and lobste.rs.  The most interesting speculation I saw was that there was a difference of opinion within Red Hat on how to get more people paying for RHEL without scaring everyone off, and they needed to gauge the size of the outcry about CentOS to figure out what would be the best response.

There were of course many threats to move to Ubuntu, Debian and even Oracle Enterprise Linux. (Everyone who suggested that one had a clue about how abusive Oracle is, but it seems not a big enough clue to stop them suggesting it...)

I'm interested to see if it sends anyone to the BSDs.

On December 9, 2020 7:08:51 PM EST, Vance Kochenderfer <vance at happylemur.com> wrote:
>Jake S wrote:
>> Do you have any additional references regarding this statement?
>> 	 " Red Hat has teased "low- or no-cost programs" with no specifics)"
>It's from the Red Hat blog post at:
>Senior Vice President and CTO Chris Wright states "In the first half of
>2021, we plan to introduce low- or no-cost programs for a variety of use
>cases, including options for open source projects and communities and
>expansion of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer subscription use
>cases to better serve the needs of systems administrators."
>If these programs are like the Red Hat Developer subscription, they will
>require signing up with Red Hat and agreeing to their legal terms, and
>only being entitled to use the software under whatever specific
>conditions Red Hat has set out.  The Red Hat Developer subscription is
>zero cost already, but the software can only be used for test and
>development purposes.
>Vance Kochenderfer        |  "Get me out of these ropes and into a
>vance at happylemur.com      |   good belt of Scotch"    -Nick Danger
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>wplug at wplug.org

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