[wplug] CentOS Linux ending, CentOS Stream to replace it

justin at adminix.net justin at adminix.net
Wed Dec 9 23:14:18 EST 2020

Yeah, Red Hat's programs aren't going to cut it. This is a total "dunce cap" move on Red Hat's part; they're blowing away years upon years of goodwill with the community for questionable gains.

Even if they backtracked now, the damage has already been done.

While I respect what Greg Kurtzer is trying to do, one does not simply create a CentOS replacement. (Cue Boromir meme) Even if Rocky Linux - which I think is the new name for this - starts well, it will take years to achieve the same sort of word of mouth and market share as CentOS. Oracle is simply not an option. Anyone who has used Oracle software knows how utterly evil Oracle is.

I was a total Red Hat fanboy. I wanted to work at Red Hat some day. Now that this is how they're doing things since the IBM acquisition, that's off the table, and I will probably look into standardizing my Linux usage on something else - either SUSE (what I used before I switched to Red Hat) or Ubuntu.

Justin Smith
“Intelligence is the ability to avoid doing work, yet getting the work done.”
- Linus Torvalds

On Wednesday, December 09, 2020 07:08 PM EST, Vance Kochenderfer <vance at happylemur.com> wrote:
 Jake S wrote:
> Do you have any additional references regarding this statement?
> " Red Hat has teased "low- or no-cost programs" with no specifics)"

It's from the Red Hat blog post at:

Senior Vice President and CTO Chris Wright states "In the first half of
2021, we plan to introduce low- or no-cost programs for a variety of use
cases, including options for open source projects and communities and
expansion of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer subscription use
cases to better serve the needs of systems administrators."

If these programs are like the Red Hat Developer subscription, they will
require signing up with Red Hat and agreeing to their legal terms, and
only being entitled to use the software under whatever specific
conditions Red Hat has set out. The Red Hat Developer subscription is
zero cost already, but the software can only be used for test and
development purposes.

Vance Kochenderfer | "Get me out of these ropes and into a
vance at happylemur.com | good belt of Scotch" -Nick Danger
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