[wplug] GNU GPL License

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 10:30:35 EDT 2009

On Tuesday 13 October 2009 7:52:45 pm Michael Semcheski wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 6:38 PM, Bruno Pierri Galvao 
<vendicate at gmail.com>wrote:
> > If my code modifications have bugs then that is a major security risk so
> > I would have to keep my code modifications closed under a company
> > copyright license. How can I do this? I was talking to a friend and he
> > said that there is a fine line, one can add code in a way that does not
> > affect the GPL code and therefore does not have to be filed under that
> > license. Would you know of such a way?
> If the bugs are there, then a copyright is not going to keep your data
> secure.
> If you are using code that was licensed to you under any license, then you
> don't have a copyright on it.  And the modifications you make to it do not
> make it a new piece of code that you have a copyright to.
> But based on the nature of your, I would highly recommend you look into the
> basics of how copyright and licensing works.

...and to how security-through-obscurity is total bunk and keeping something 
closed source does not magically make it less vulnerable to attack

Mackenzie Morgan
apt-get moo

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