[wplug] Wiki Gibberish

Michael Semcheski mhsemcheski at gmail.com
Mon May 4 11:37:25 EDT 2009

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 10:40 AM, Yaakov Nemoy <loupgaroublond at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > 1)  Its steganography, and the bots are controlled by a powerful
>>> > intelligence organization.

>>> A bunch of organizations that want to communicate secretly use spam as
>>> ways of sending messages where both the origin and target can't be
>>> discerned.

This is exactly what steganography is.  By its nature and design, it
would be very difficult to prove or disprove that this was the reason.

The classic example of steganography is putting shifting a few bits in
a bitmap image so that the human eye can't perceive an alteration, but
a piece of software can.  Just as an example, you could say that
whenever the color red appears in the image, if the last bit is a 1,
emit a 1.  If the last bit is a 0, emit a zero.   The difference is
minute with a 24bit palette.  The human eye can't discern one color
from another shifted so slightly.  But using that, you can build a
message.  Very inefficient, but very difficult hard to detect or

I would imagine you could do the same thing with wiki gibberish.  They
wouldn't be long messages, but you could probably easilly encode
something small, like an IP address and a command.

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