[wplug] colored prompt?

Logan ascii at psu.edu
Fri Feb 23 22:31:38 EST 2007

> I am using BASH and would like to know how I can get a colored  
> prompt working?
> I don't need the entire prompt colored just the fist part which shows
> user at host ~>
There are escape sequences to change the color, position of the  
carrot, etc
So I set up some shell variables in my ~/.bash_profile

("\e" is "escape" in BASH, but isn't standard ANSI)
thus these are called "escape sequences"

if you just want your prompt to change color, you'd do something like:
PS1="\[${GREEN}\]\u@\h \[${DEFAULT}\]"

"\[" tells bash "the following shouldn't be counted as printing  
characters when calculating when to wrap text, and "\]" tells it  
you're back to printing characters

I go crazy, and change the title bar to show my host and PWD, as I am  
usually SSHing about
case $TERM in

then, have different prompts for error and non-error

function tranquil_thoughts_prompt {
{BRIGHTGREEN}\]@\[${GREEN}\]\h \[${CYAN}\]\w\[${WHITE}\])\[${DEFAULT} 
\] "
function error_prompt {
         PS1="\[${TITLEBAR}${RED}\]\u@\h \w [exit $last] :-(\[$ 
PROMPT_COMMAND='last="$?"; if [ $last -eq 0 ]; then  
tranquil_thoughts_prompt ; else error_prompt ; fi';

Where PROMPT_COMMAND is evaluated just before printing the prompt
$? is the exit status of the last command (ex: perl -e 'exit 5;')

here are some more BASH escapes for fun and profit:
\u is username
\h is host
\w is current directory
\$ is $ unless you're root - then it's #
\d is date (Wed Sept 04)
\j is number of suspended processes (w/ ^Z)
\n is newline
\r is carriage return
\t is 24-hr time format
\T is 12-hr time format
\@ is 12-hr time format w/am-pm

> Also I would like for this to work both in xterms and gnome-terminals
> in X Windows
> as well as in console ttys.
these escape codes are from the VT100,
so they'll work on any VT100 compliant terminal,
which would be everything I've ever seen from Putty to Cygwin to  
Xterm to Terminal.app to ... etc

for more colors, and blinking/underline/etc search for "VT100 escape  
codes" on Google or somewhere

If you want, I can send you my .bash_profile - it's got some other  
interesting things in there like odd environment variables and  
`shopt` shell configuration and extra options based on OS (Linux or  


PS: sorry for rich text, but it was getting ugly with all the code/ 
explanation mixing

PPS: *whew* sorry about the long-winded post, but I just love  
tweaking my environment :-)
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