[wplug] cpu load?

Zach netrek at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 01:47:43 EDT 2007

On 8/16/07, James O'Kane <jo2y at midnightlinux.com> wrote:
> Load average includes is based on everything in the run queue (the things
> you've accounted for), plus everything blocked on I/O. This updatedb
> process is what's adding 1 to your load average and causing the disk light
> activity. At it's core, updatedb is a 'find /', so every file on your
> system is being stat()ed. This is used to make locate(1) work.
> I'm not familiar with xload to say what it's using to decide things.
> You could look into some of the tools in the sysstat package.

Hey James,

Ok I'll look into that, thanks.


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