[wplug] Procmail recipe help

Gentgeen gentgeen at linuxmail.org
Sun Oct 1 10:04:36 EDT 2006

On Tue, 26 Sep 2006 11:38:44 -0400
"Jonathan S. Billings" <billings at negate.org> wrote:

> WARNING: I believe these examples will work, test it first though.  I 
> just wrote them off the cuff without testing them first.
> On 09/25/2006 06:40 PM, Gentgeen wrote:
> > (1) how do I check for things like "fwd: " or "re: " 
> * ^Subject: (re:|fwd:|) *$
> > (2) how could I then add in a subject as noted above.
> This can get a little complicated.
> You can use procmail's filter with 'formail -i' to add a subject, 
> however first you need to extract the information from the message.
> Maybe something like this:
> :0:
> * ^Subject: (re:|fwd:|) *$
> {
> 	# add a new subject.  The "rabbit ears" \/ mean
> 	# put everything after them into $MATCH
> 	:0f
> 	* ^From: \/.*$
> 	| formail -i "Subject: From $MATCH"
> }
> There are probably a couple other ways of doing this, I can think of 
> others too, but I won't bore by being overly pedantic.  Grabbing just 
> the name, and not the email address would also be complex, and I'll 
> leave that to the ingenuity of the reader.

Thank you, that really got me rolling.  Now I have 1 more question for
anyone who might be able to help me out.  I have now come up with the
following (thanks to Billings, and a procmail FAQ at

* 1^0 ^Subject:([       ]$|$)	# Blank Subjects
* 1^0 !^Subject:		# Missing Subjects
* 1^0 ^Subject: (re:|fwd:|) *$	# Blank fwd/re 

       #Get the subject discarding any leading and trailing blanks
       #Note: On some systems -xSubject: has to be -x"Subject: "
       SUBJ_=`formail -xSubject: \
              | expand | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//g' -e 's/[ ]*$//g'`
       # This cuts out the indicated part of the "FROM" field.
       # it either does the Name, or the Email address.  
       SENDER_=`formail -xFrom: \
#name  #| cut -f2 -d':' | cut -f1 -d'<' | sed -e 's/"//g' -e 's/ //'`
#email #| cut -f2 -d'<' | cut -f1 -d'>' | sed -e 's/"//g' -e 's/ //'`
        # Now reinsert the SENDER and any SUBJECT from above
        :0 f
        | formail -i "Subject: ${SUBJ_}--NO SUBJECT-- From ${SENDER_}"

I used procmail's scoring to combine tests for the same script.  (Note
So the first 3 lines check for blank, missing, or blank re/fwd lines in
the Subject field.  If any of that exists the the { } will be done.

the SUBJ_=  takes any existing subject (in this case an re/fwd) and
stores it in the variable SUBJ_

The SENDER_= takes the either the email or the name from the "From:"
line.  It just depends on which one I uncomment.  And here is all the
further I can get.

I would like the SENDER_ variable to be something like:

      SENDER_ = "name" unless "name" does not exist 
                then use "email"  

If someone could just point me in the right direction, I will be happy
to do the "heavy lifting".  I am just stumped at this point.  Could it
be done from within the .procmailrc file?  Would I have to call an
external script?  Can I use:
    if [ -f "SENDER_" ]; then

   kind of thing in a .procmailrc file?  

This originally started out as a simple fix to an issue.  Now it has
become an fun little project for me.  

Thanks (again) in advance for any help.


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