[wplug] Fortune in Signature

Moshe Katz-Hyman mokatz at gmail.com
Mon Aug 7 16:07:45 EDT 2006

/usr/games/fortune -n 80 -s | fold -s -w 60

Carful, many fortunes are already wrapped at 80 lines though, so this
might get ugly.

You could also run

/usr/games/fortune -n 80 -s | tr -d \\n | fold -s -w 60

to remove newlines and rewrap at 60, but there might be whitespace
formatting and some newlines are probably ment to be there.

The best solution is to come up with your own pithy remarks to put in
your .signature. ;)

Moshe Hyzon
I'm not clever enough to come up with a good .sig quote.
On 8/7/06, Gentgeen <gentgeen at linuxmail.org> wrote:
> What I want is for any fortune that is longer then 60 lines to wrap.
> how would I add that?

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