[wplug] apt-get question

Eric Cooper ecc at cmu.edu
Fri Apr 15 11:52:32 EDT 2005

On Fri, Apr 15, 2005 at 11:17:15AM -0400, John Harrold wrote:
> I have a question concerning apt-get. I can run apt-get upgrade with the -y
> option and any prompts from apt are assumed yes. However, apt executes
> debconf much of the time to configure different aspects of the packages.
> I'd like something similar to '-y' which will use the default options
> debconf provides. Can anyone help me out with this. I didn't see anything
> in the man page for apt-get.

What you want is to set the priority for debconf's questions.
Here are the possible values:
    'critical' only prompts you if the system might break
    'high' is for rather important questions
    'medium' is for normal questions
    'low' is for control freaks who want to see everything 

So you could get the desired effect by setting it to "critical", which
you can do permanently by running
    $ dpkg-reconfigure debconf
or temporarily by doing
    $ DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical apt-get ....

Eric Cooper             e c c @ c m u . e d u

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