[wplug] Wireless cards and redhat..

John Harrold jmh17 at pitt.edu
Fri Sep 17 16:42:43 EDT 2004

Sometime in September Aaron M. Johnson assaulted the keyboard and produced:

| I bought a few "WaveBuddys", which are about the cheapest cards available
| [~$13]. I'm using it now, but it took a while to figure out the drivers.
| It turns out that i didnt have the right kernel source, and now it works
| fine.  I have only been able to configure it by hand using the text based
| config program that came with the driver--i'm working on getting it to
| detect my network automagically.
| The other problem is that i have never successfully removed it without
| causing problems. That is fine for me, as i use wireless 99% of the time
| so i never have to, but it would be nice to be able to remove it at will.
| SO,
| -WaveBuddy [using the atmlwlandriver] "works"
| -It was dirt cheap
| -Have to compile kernel module
| -it doesnt work as well as one would hope, but it gets me on the internet.

I think you might have missed the word kanoodling down there at the

| > Can anyone reccomend a 802.11g card that will work in redhat or fedora 
| > without much kanoodling?

                            | /"\                         
 john harrold               | \ / ASCII ribbon campaign   
 jmh at member.fsf.org      |  X  against HTML mail       
 the most useful idiot      | / \                         
 What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, 
 and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is brought 
 under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of 
 liberty and democracy?
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