[wplug] ErieLUG

David Ostroske eksortso at linuxmail.org
Wed Oct 22 17:28:44 EDT 2003

It's great seeing a lot of support for starting an ErieLUG. Can I help out?

I live in the Pittsburgh area, but my family lives halfway between here and Erie. So, I could act as a go-between for WPLUG and your new group, if you decide upon having meetings on the weekends.

In any case, once you decide upon a meeting time and place, post it to this list! I'll try to be there for the occasion.

--- David Ostroske
    eksortso at linuxmail.org

----- Original Message -----
From: T Johnson <TRJ at linuxwaves.com>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 22:51:39 -0700 (PDT)
To: wplug at wplug.org
Subject: [wplug] ErieLUG

> I'm very interested in seeing a LUG here in Erie,and was in contact with others last year on the topic. At the time work permitted me from doing anything in the evenings. Since then a lot has changed and I would like to again offer support to others with Linux interest here. Thank You, Tom (evenings 897-1921)
> Tom's AutoQuote: "You have moved your Mouse, Windows will now Reboot"

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