[wplug] Cached pages in Mozilla w/ KDE

Christopher Galik chris at cardiactelecom.com
Wed Oct 1 16:23:41 EDT 2003

Does anyone know of a way to get Mozilla / Mozilla Firebird working as
the default browser in KDE3?  Whenever I add it in the file association
for HTML, the Konqueror preloader seems to take over and Mozilla is sent
the cached version of the page, and unless the site uses absolute paths
to their images, none of them show up, because Mozilla looks for them in
a location relative to the cached page which is stored locally.  I tried
disabling the konqueror preload module (kded_konqy_preloader.so) but
this didn't help, mozilla still gets the cached page.

 Christopher Galik <chris at cardiactelecom.com>
 Cardiac Telecom Corp. -- 1.800.355.2594 x144

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