[wplug] Request Same IP?

abe at beerhouse.net abe at beerhouse.net
Sun Mar 30 13:47:05 EST 2003

> Hi, I have a question...  I am using Slackware.  Everytime I boot my
> machine which is a firewall/DHCP I see as it boots up Broadcasting
> DHCP_REQUEST for xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (same IP address as before).

by "firewall/DHCP" do you mean you offer dhcp as a service?  or just a
client ..

> Is there a way to force it to request a new IP every time?  I am using
> ATTBI/Comcast and do not believe they assign IP (not positive though).

are you asking if it's possible to request a different ip each time your
client requests an ip?  i'm not sure if this operation is possible on the
client side .. and furthermore, i don't see the point (just stating my
opinion ... not meant to sound rude or anything).  in fact, a more
constant ip is often times more desirable (and hence, a lot of isps charge
for this type of service).

dunno if this cleared anything up ... but if it didn't, would you mind my
asking why you would prefer a more strictly dynamic ip?  might help us
suggest some solutions :)  have a good night


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