[wplug] Remote X question

Eric C. Cooper ecc at cmu.edu
Mon Aug 18 12:10:17 EDT 2003

On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 10:17:18AM -0400, Teodorski, Chris wrote:
> I am using SSH from a box here at work to connect to a box at home.
> I added the -X switch so that I can operate X apps remotely.  So, my
> assumption was that all network traffic from those apps (if I were
> to run IRC or a browser) would be sent back through the tunnel to my
> machine at home.  However, that doesn't seem to be the behavior that
> I am seeing.  Was I mistaken?

Only the X protocol traffic is tunnelled back to you automatically.
Other network access (like the HTTP requests that your browser is
making) go directly out of the machine they're running on.

You can explicitly forward certain ports over the SSH channel using
the -L and -R options.  You could use this to make your home machine
be the http proxy for your remote browser, for example.

Eric C. Cooper          e c c @ c m u . e d u

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