user mallocs Re: [wplug] word processor suggestions?

James O'Kane jo2y at
Wed Nov 20 20:55:04 EST 2002

On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, Carmelo Edwrd Piccione wrote:
> PS: anyone know how to write a malloc package?? stupid CS courses....

I almost missed this question..

I've never written one, but from what I understand it isn't that much 
different from other libraries. The linker just needs to find your version 
of malloc before it find the libc version. You might want to look at 
Electric-Fence, and see how Bruce did it.

I've been considering overloading new and delete in C++ to impliment key 
and locks and/or tombstones as a memory access checker. I think that would 
also require me to overload * and & (and -> ?). Can that be done in C++?


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