[wplug] Web Development....A problem with OnClick......

Phil Walther, Jr. philjr at attglobal.net
Sun Nov 17 15:54:18 EST 2002

Hopefully someone can figure out why this is not working.  I have a bit of
an issue with the attributes of OnClick and IE....

Here's the beginning code, using an image map:

<img src="statemap.jpg" width="269" height="227" border="0"
<MAP NAME="statemap">
<AREA SHAPE=polygon COORDS="74,67,96,166,238,129,242,119,251,117,259,103,
243,88,246,55,225,38,96,75,88,59,76,70" ALT="Pennsylvania"
OnMouseOut="window.status=''; return true"
OnMouseOver="window.status='Selecting Pennsylvania'; return true"
ONCLICK="window.open ('state-pa.html', 'PA State Motorcycle Laws',
resizable=no,copyhistory=no,width=550,height=430' ) ">

By the way, this works JUST FINE in mozilla, but I need to work in IE(6) as
well.  Silly class assignments!  Anyway, what I found was that:
1. The OnClick was giving the problem
2. Narrowed down to "window.open
3. If I left the attributes of "window.open ('state-pa.html')"  IT WORKED!!
4. IE seems not to be enjoying the name or window attributes.

ANYONE have any ideas why, this is driving me nuts!


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