[wplug] Perl locale setting

Matthew Wright mattmar at telerama.com
Sat Dec 30 15:13:56 EST 2000

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I am running Mandrake 7.2.  When I run a perl script, I get the following:

perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
	LANGUAGE = "en",
	LC_ALL = "en",
	LC_CTYPE = "en",
	LC_COLLATE = "en",
	LC_TIME = "en",
	LC_MESSAGES = "en",
	LC_MONETARY = "en",
	LC_NUMERIC = "en",
	LANG = "en"
    are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").

My directory is as follows:

[matt at saturn matt]$ ls /usr/share/locale/
C/		en_BW/			eo/	fr/		l10n/		sl/
af/		en_CA/			es/     	ga/		locale.alias	sp/
bg/		en_DK/			es_DO/	gd/		lt/		sr/
bg_BG.cp1251/	en_GB/			es_ES/	gl/		lv/		sr_YU/
ca/		en_GB.iso885915/	es_GT/	gv/		nl/		sv/
cs/		en_GB at euro/		es_HN/	hr/		nn/		ta/
cy/		en_IE/			es_MX/	hu/		no/		tr/
da/		en_IE.iso885915/	es_PA/	iso8859/	pl/		uk/
de/		en_IE at euro/		es_PE/	iso88591/	pt/		wa/
el/		en_NZ/			es_SV/	it/		pt_BR/		zh_CN/
en/		en_US/			et/	ja/		ro/		zh_CN.GB2312/
en at euro/	en_ZA/			eu/	ko/		ru/		zh_TW.Big5/
en_AU/		en_ZW/			fi/	kw/		sk/

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

- -- 
- From the desk of:

  Matthew & Marietta Wright

     mattmar at telerama.com
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