[wplug] win4lin?

Beth Skwarecki skwareea at screech.cs.alfred.edu
Fri Dec 22 15:58:29 EST 2000

> (While we're at it, it would be nice to have several layers of clipboard
> buffering to hold multiple cuts without losing them.  I've come across a
> couple programs which allow that and it's a nice feature.  I've more than
> once wished it was in place when I've absentmindedly cut twice before
> pasting out the buffer and lost some recent writing before it was saved; it
> always seems to be from seeing a quick one or two word edit move and making
> it while in the middle of figuring just were I'm supposed to paste down the
> numerous paragraph move I've already cut -- ouch!)

I would *really* like to see multiple clipboards. My temporary solution is
to use the mini-commander applet in my (GNOME) panel - it's a one-line
terminal, basically, but I also see it as a tiny text field that can hold a
bit of text. Does nothing for multiple paragraphs, of course, but before the
sticky-notes program started getting too obnoxious I was using that as well.
I can't wait till somebody actually implements multiple clipboards. I can
see it being handled like suspended (ctrl-Z'd) processes - they're
automatically numbered for you, and then when you paste you get the last one
by default or can select (perhaps with modifier keys?) which clipboard to
paste from. 

What are the programs that you've seen implement multiple clipboards? I
haven't come across any myself.


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