[Wplug-web] More bk failures on unstable

Jonathan Billings billings at negate.org
Sun Feb 11 23:35:59 EST 2001

I'm getting this error:

check: wplug/themes/bluesteel.webtheme/topleftcornersmall.gif is locked
but not writable.
You need to go look at the file to see why it is read-only;
just changing it back to read-write may not be the
right answer as it may contain expanded keywords.
It may also contain changes to the file which you may want.
If the file is unneeded, a "bk unedit
wplug/themes/bluesteel.webtheme/topleftcornersmall.gif" will fix the

should I do as they suggest?  It does this for all the .gifs.


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