[wplug-board] Board minutes of November 1, 2011

Joseph Prostko joe.prostko at gmail.com
Tue Dec 20 23:56:54 EST 2011

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Western
Pennsylvania Linux Users Group was held on Tuesday, November 1, 2011,
at 6:37 PM, at Crazy Mocha in Squirrel Hill.  In the absence of the
regular presiding officer, the Vice-Chair served as chair pro tem.
The regular Secretary was present.  The minutes of the October 4, 2011
meeting were approved as read.

The Vice-Chair reported that plans are set for the November speaker
and the December installfest.

The Secretary reported that there are currently 23 members.

The Treasurer reported that including funds to be deposited, the
balance in the checking account will be $865.67.  The refreshment fund
contains $44.12.

The Director-at-Large reported that the job descriptions developed for
committee chairmen appear to be OK.

The Program Committee reported that Don Vosburg's travel schedule for
the November meeting has been set, and the timing will be rather
tight.  Terry Golightly moved to authorize the purchase of two WPLUG
coffee mugs to use as giveaways to speakers at a cost not to exceed
$40.00.  The motion was adopted.  Vance Kochenderfer volunteered to
handle making the purchase.

Vance Kochenderfer moved that the minutes during consideration of the
Investigating Committee's report be kept confidential to protect the
privacy of the persons involved.  The motion was adopted.

The Public Relations Committee reported that it needed volunteers to
post flyers for the December installfest and that it would investigate
promoting the event in the North Hills Dispatch.

The Wilkins School Networking Committee reported that it needed to
schedule a date to survey the additional work to be done to complete
the project.

Terry Golightly moved to designate Judi Galardi as WPLUG Member of the
Year for 2010-2011.  The motion was adopted.

Vance Kochenderfer noted that the Northland Library had sent a form
asking groups to request dates in 2012 when they would like to use the
meeting rooms.  Terry Golightly moved to request December 8, 2012 for
an installfest.  The motion was adopted.

The meeting adjourned at 7:42 PM.

[Approved on December 6, 2011 - JP]

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