[wplug-board] Re: Agenda for the WPLUG Board Meeting, 2006-08-16

David Ostroske eksortso at gmail.com
Wed Aug 16 10:27:54 EDT 2006

Here's the revised agenda. I've added Patrick's topics. I also added
one of my own, that I forgot last night.

Draft Agenda for WPLUG Board meeting, 8/16/2006:

1. Reading and Approval of Minutes

   The revised version was posted to the wplug-board list
   before the August 5th meeting date. See:

2. Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing Committees
   2.1. Officers
      * Secretary's Report (membership totals)

      As of midnight, WPLUG has 82 members.
      The Board size prescribed in the bylaws is 7.
      Thus, our membership meeting quorum is now 17.
      The 45 charter members' dues lapse on September 22,

      * Treasurer's Report

      Patrick's report from the 8/5 meeting, with updates,
      will suffice.

      * [Reports from other officers as needed]

      Do we have any?

  2.2. Boards
      * [Secretary reports anything the Board has proposed
        for member action - if nothing, it may be worthwhile
        to give a brief rundown of Board activity]

      Let's use this time (now and in the future) to report
      on the obligations that we set for ourselves at past

      * Beth, Bill: Future meeting spaces. We got the
        library, right?

      * Beth, Bill, Chris: LugRadio Live feasibility study.
        Any new developments?

      * Dave: Gmail-hosted email accounts. Regarding the
        survey to the members. (Not sent yet, but I'll
        explain why.)

      * Beth, Patrick: Moving Installfest to a quarterly
        schedule. Was this taken up by the Program Cmte in
        any way?

      * Patrick: Quorum issues. Did we ever get the swag
        from Cafe Press? How about for next month?

      * Patrick: Business cards. Have you located a good
        printer? If so, what do we need to do?

      * Patrick: FreeNode. Any new updates?

      * Patrick, Beth: Ohio LinuxFest 2006. Word on the
        caravan list? Word on enlisting Mike's aid?

  2.3. Standing Committees
      * Internet Committee
      * Program Committee
      * Investigating Committee
      * Newsletter Committee
      * Public Relations Committee

      I will re-read the reports that were presented on 8/5,
      unless there have been updates.

3. Reports of Special Committees
   * ErieLUG Revival Committee

   Ditto for ErieLUG Revival.

4. Special Orders


5. Unfinished Business and General Orders
   5.1. Pending Questions

   * Annual dues increase. We'll take this up again, since
     the membership meeting brought up some good points.
     We could set annual dues at $20, and recommend a fund
     for worthy people who cannot afford the dues.

   5.2. Prior Unfinished Business
   5.3. Prior General Orders
   5.4. Current General Orders

6. New Business

* Quorum Amendment: Dave suggests that the quorum for
  membership meetings be reduced. Should we propose a bylaws

* Freeze board size at 5 people: According to Patrick,
  having 7 on the Board will get messy. Should we propose
  a bylaws amendment?

* Need for better accounting at meetings: We don't know who
  signed up and how their money got allocated at the last
  few meetings.  Whoever is doing Pizza Troll and taking
  membership needs to do this.  This is a financial
  liability issue - it ensures we know where our money is
  coming from and where it is going.

* Committee activity: What actions can we take to get them
  to do stuff?

* Contact information for members: Patrick suggested a list
  of criteria that we should have for all members: Name,
  Email Address, Mailing Address, and Optional Phone Number.
  Do we make this our policy? If so, how would we gather
  this information from current members?

* Paying dues in advance: What should the limit be, if any,
  on members paying to renew memberships well beyond a
  single year?

* Membership lapsing: When and how do we alert members that
  their dues are lapsing?

* Membership resignation: Shall we set a policy? Or shall
  we let the membership set a special rule of order to allow
  for resignations?

* New mailing address: Bill and Dave need to schedule time
  to meet Patrick at the Squirrel Hill post office. There's
  also the matter of passing the new address on to the
  membership. How should we proceed with that?

7. Adjourn.

David Ostroske <eksortso at gmail.com>

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